Questions for Stakeholders from Engineering Side
@Zura Jashi @Yaman Garg
- Current expenses:
- Sampling Cost
- Cost of the materials, primers, substances, etc.
- Time:
- Sampling Time
- Sample Preparation Time
- Detection Time (e.g How much PCR requires)
- Where do you aim to sample from: water, skin swabs?
- What is the accuracy of the current methods ?
- What are the factors that limit the accuracy?
- What kind of a diagnostic result is desired, qualitative (significant load of Bd load found or not), or quantitative (How much Bd load found)?
- How much effective detection mechanism would contribute to the research?
- What is the most important factor that should be developed first?
- Time?
- Accuracy?
- Cost?
- What is the most important factor that should be developed first?
- Does detection methods depend on the geographical location?
- If so, what are the factors that contribute to this dependence?
- What are the materials that research group takes to the field ?
- How likely is the team to carry the detection device in the field? ("I ask this question, because group will be less likely to carry the device if it is too heavy")
- Who will be using the device, PhDs, volunteers, park rangers? (to find how complex can the procedure be)?
- Can the device be handled with care or will it be in bumpy conditions (to see how much ruggedness is needed)?
- How many frogs/animals need to be tested per trip (to see how many tests should be done)?
- What kind of temperature conditions will the device be used in (to see if we need to provide cooling or heating and how much)?
- Will there be access to proper disposal (in case of a disposable cartridge device) in the testing location? No
- What kind of a diagnostic result is desired, qualitative (significant load of Bd load found or not), or quantitative (How much Bd load found)?
- How many frogs/animals need to be tested per trip (to see how many tests should be done)?
- Usage areas and conditions: any extremes (temperature?)